28 Feb, 2023

🆕 Kuva Media™ Affiliate Program

The Kuva Media Affiliate Program is an exclusive, limited program, designed to provide our partners with an opportunity to earn commissions by promoting our services to their audience and/or professional network.

Whether you are a blogger, social media influencer, website owner, or a connected professional, our program offers a great way to monetize your online presence and/or professional network.

Learn more, and apply, in our Help Center article.

Kuva Media Affiliate Program help and documentation center.
Kuva Media Affiliate Program help and documentation center.
04 Jan, 2023

🆙 Updated Help Center

Our Help Center is packed with everything you need to know to get the most out of Kuva Media's products and solutions.

Kuva Media's Help Center
Kuva Media's Help Center

From answers to common questions, to important information and guidance, we've got you covered. And, if you need additional help, our customer support team is just a click away.

If you're new to KUVA Media, we recommend checking out our FAQ section.

We're here to help you succeed. 🚀

21 Oct, 2022

🆙 Client Portal Update

Portal Tours

🎉 Automated portal tours are now active, in all client portals:

Enjoy new portal walkthroughs!
Enjoy new portal walkthroughs!

Up next, in our Client Portal 2.0 launch:

Chat and Knowledge Base Widget

Talk with the team, and search help articles, all from one chat. Chat integrates with some of your favorite messengers, such as Facebook (Meta) Messenger.

Link Previews

Preview the description for pages, and full PDF and video previews of your portal's external links.

Request a Project

Use an embedded project catalogue app to request a custom project or quote.